Orientation and a very very very hot pepper

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Ok, so this post should've been done on Wed, the 12th of January.  So please, pretend like it was...

We went to this hotel and slept until noon.  Then we went to this very nice house in Yoff and sat on the roof for orientation.  After sitting around for about 2 hours, we got traditional skirts (pants for men) and finally lunch.  It was Thiéboudienne (pronounced kinda like "Che-bu-jen"), the national dish of Senegal.  Not only did we have to eat it on a mat and using only our right hand, the first bite I took was something inedible, probably a nut shell or something.

It was all fun and games until I decided to be brave and try one of the little orange peppers in the tiny bowl.  I though, hey, I'm in Senegal.  Why not?  Wrong.  Pain like there was a full-power blowtorch in my mouth.  I had the shakes for about an hour and couldn't eat anything.  When we stood up, I was pretty sure I had burned a hole in my stomach.  We went to the beach.  This is Zoey and me below.  I look like I'm having fun, but my stomach was hating me at that point.

We had dinner at the same house and went back to the hotel for sleep.


zimarme at: January 21, 2011 at 1:52 PM said...

Yes, you hide it well!

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