Dakar-bound and a word of advice on visas

Monday, January 10, 2011
Alas, my final day in America.  This last week has mostly involved packing, stuffing my face (thanks to my step-mom for the "Bon Voyage"-decorated apple pie), and oh yeah, dealing with the most incompetent of embassies (see below).  But before I begin my friendly rant/advice, I would just like to reflect on how wonderful but fast my break has been.  For some reason, I thought I would actually study French in the past three weeks.  For some reason, I thought I would completely reorganize my room and the things that have compiled over my last 4 years in this house.  And for some reason, I was going to start waking up at 5 am to get ready for the time change.

Wrong.  On all three accounts.  But regardless, I leave tomorrow.  I am packed.  I have two passports and a visa (miraculously!).  I am really ready?  I suppose we'll find out in a few days.

In regards to getting visa... I have compiled a check-list of things to do to properly obtain a visa without having to carry two passports, unnecessarily pay $275, wait in downtown Detroit for half a day (and pay for parking), and spend the last week at home wondering if you're even going to get to go abroad:

1. FedEx overnight and certified mail, or better yet, hand-deliver your visa application AND return envelope to the embassy. 
2. Fluently speak the language that the embassy workers do so you can have a logical conversation.
3. Trust nothing the embassy worker says.
4. Put your program director and abroad adviser on speed-dial.
5. Trust nothing the embassy worker says.
6. Photocopy every document you send and every receipt from the post office.
7. Honestly, just hand-deliver your app and pick it up in DC.

Otherwise, you may spend your last week at home in a similar fashion to myself.  However, I would like to start my travels off on the most positive note as possible, thus sparing you the details of my "visa adventure."  But in the event I ever feel the need for an I-Hate-Senegal post, those bitter details may just be included.


Kelzery at: January 21, 2011 at 3:09 PM said...

Why was I not told you had a blog?

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